Catesby Tunnel Aerotest
The WattShop service is an all-inclusive package that tests all aspects of your performance, providing you with a multi-variable model to analyse, predict and improve your performance in your chosen event.
Catesby Rail Tunnel - A unique testing environment
Catesby Tunnel houses a 2.7km long, purpose-built, straight road test track. With a sealed working environment, guaranteed consistent environmental conditions make for an ideal testing location.
The advantage of testing at Catesby is that we perform extremely high resolution aerodynamic testing along with immediate rider feedback on the physiological impacts of any changes.
Compared to testing in the Velodrome, with no corners/banking to contend with, rider track experience is no longer an issue, and excellent CdA data can be acquired at any test speed.
Compared to testing in the Wind Tunnel, as the rider is having to pedal at close to race power, feedback on the comfort and sustainability of any position can be discussed at the end of each run.
The tunnel has a gradient of 0.6% and normally we test in both directions (out and back). However, this does mean that for high speed testing (Eg track sprinters) where it would be impossible to do repeated race speed efforts on the velodrome, we can test only on the downhill leg and get excellent, repeatable CdA measures at higher speeds.
You will spend 3 hours in the tunnel performing aerodynamic testing, where we can test equipment, clothing, helmets and position.
Product Description
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For more information or to book your WattShop Aerotest today.
A member of our team will be in touch soon to confirm your session or discuss options with you.